Is my future locked away in a cabinet?
I wrote this a while ago while describing my transition to the new Airbook (aka Macbook Air) and some new software, all of which necessitated and facilitated some significant changes in workflow.
I really want to write a lot, lot more. I feel like it’s the crowbar I can use to open my future.
What advice would I give someone who said this to me? I’m not really sure. Something I read earlier today was this line as a repetitive inquiry to get to fundamental needs/desires: “And if you had that, then what?”
So if I was writing a lot, then what? People would read it, I would make money doing it, I like sharing ideas, it doesn’t seem like work to write stuff (as in not boring-drudgery-uninspiring work), I could rearrange my schedule more to spend time with my boys and train for the Ironman. Hmm. I think that’s a good start in terms of giving me some things to ponder.