The publish date on this article describing this video is September 2017. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it until now, August 2019. It was a bad idea. I made it 45 seconds in, about 12–15 seconds of real content, and I choked and had to stop. The video is bodycam footage…
Read MoreToday is World Autism Awareness day. My Facebook profile picture is my 8yo son Dylan, showing you, and me, what he thinks of autism. I imagine it’s something along the lines of “I just want to do what I want and have fun like every other boy. Sometimes it’s just hard.” Other times I imagine…
Read MoreI wrote this back in August 2012. It needed to sit a while to take the edge off. I couldn’t even read it to edit it. -Rick Recognizing it: I just watched the Seattle Children’s Hospital “Stronger” video. It took me a while to recover from the emotion of the first 41 seconds. I…
Read MoreWe’re all afraid of things. Some real – heart attacks; some distant – terrorists; some vague – the lizard brain’s resistance to change; some too real and terrible to ever really be acknowledged. This post is about that kind of fear. Another parent (and here, “parent” is a term of art meaning a parent of a…
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