This article provides a new and more interesting take on twitter. It’s like a present-tense exonet, very “now” oriented rather than library of knowledge oriented. I’ve stopped much twitter viewing for two reasons: first, my app for reading tweets was a fantastic Outlook plugin that was a good part of my workflow. (With the Airbook…
Read MoreRadio this morning said that some LIRR passengers will get a chance to buy a ticket on the train with a credit card rather than cash as is currently the option. Two interesting tidbits: first, the “penalty” fare still applies, which is some bump to the price of a ticket at the machine if you…
Read MoreHere’s a great SMS (text message to the rest of us) idea that uses your phone to buy one-off tickets. This would be a huge timesaver for people in heavy public transportation areas, like New York City, reducing time, expense, and just about everything for commuters and the various transit authorities and private companies.
Read MoreSparked by a conversation with someone who has Netflix but claims the DVD player doesn’t work: FauxFlixster Someone who has a Netflix queue but doesn’t watch DVDs After hearing that this had gone on for months, I became suspicious that it was just a ruse to somehow impress friends and others: is there a Facebook…
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